Christina and Greg’s engagement session is the picture of perfection. Not only did they choose two beautiful locations…their outfits were on point! It was fun getting to know them both!
Christina and Greg are getting married next year at the Milestone Denton and I for one cannot wait! It is such a beautiful venue.
I hope you enjoy these images from Christina and Greg’s engagement session in Downtown Dallas.

Christina and Greg: Their Love Story
How did you two meet?
We both met online and had our first date at The Ginger Man. Our first date almost didn’t happen though because Greg was taking forever to ask me out. I thought I dropped all the hints possible, but as with any guy, you often have to spell out your thoughts to them. Greg eventually caught on to my not so subtle hints and on our first date we ended up talking for hours on end and losing track of time. The rest is history as we instantly formed a strong connection.

What was it about your significant other that first attracted you to them?
Christina- Greg’s smile was an instant attraction along with his love for his family. He is very close with his family and that is something I admire greatly about him. Hearing how fondly he spoke of family traditions and knowing that we will recreate these but also develop our own is something that truly excites me.
Greg says he was instantly attracted to Christy’s eyes. They are so expressive, and I felt as though I knew her instantly by looking into them. Also, her personality and how she was seemingly able to strike up a conversation with anyone helped me to gain comfort during our initial dating phase.

Tell us your engagement story!
Just prior to my birthday, Greg’s sister had taken me out for a girl’s day to have brunch together. I originally thought it was a group date and Greg would be going, but the mixed signals from his sister had me unsure. The night before the brunch I called Greg panicking because I wasn’t sure if he should come or not. I couldn’t tell if his sister was wanting just girls or to bring our significant others as well.
It ended up being just his sister and I going to brunch, and I subtly had to alert Greg not come while we drove over. At the time, Greg was panicking too, because he obviously couldn’t commit to brunch as he had other plans. After, his sister gave me a “birthday card” that ended up being a clue to the start an all-day adventure to a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt led me to places all around DFW that were meaningful places between Greg and I. This included places such as the first place we met, first place we said I love you, etc. What made it extra special was that friends of ours were at each location waiting to give me a clue. The final clue led me to the Dallas Arboretum where he was waiting to propose. We celebrated after with dinner at my favorite restaurant and it ended up being a very special and meaningful day.

What has you most excited when you think about your wedding day?
Christina- For me, with the pandemic I haven’t been able to visit family back home or hang out with any of my friends. Having the special people in our life to celebrate the big day is very exciting to me! The wedding is a celebration, not just of the two of us beginning our lives together and becoming a family of our own, but of the joining of two entire families together because of love. We would not be where we are without the love and support of our friends and family.
Greg- I am most excited beginning the next stage of our lives together. I am excited to see Christy in her wedding dress for the very first time as she walks down the aisle. I suspect I will be overwhelmed with emotion and be reminded of how truly thankful I am for her.

Do you have any advice for other couples planning their wedding?
One huge piece that helped us was creating a comprehensive budget including as much information as possible. We wanted to have a centralized place where we could update costs based upon research from friends and family. As we plan our wedding, we can adjust costs and it allows us to keep our expectations in check so that way we do not go exceedingly over budget. It is natural for unexpected costs to occur but updating our budget sheet regularly helps to make sure we have an accurate view of current expenses.

How was your overall session experience?
Our session was great! Kim is a natural problem solver when it comes to dealing with awkward lighting or people in backgrounds. She’s able to work around other factors to make sure to still capture the best photos. Although it was my first-time meeting Kim in person, she very easy to get acquainted with. She helped us to get comfortable taking photos right away. Greg is now a natural at the “nuzzle!”

Share something interesting about your significant other!
Christina says that Greg has a huge obsession with dogs and specifically bulldogs. If you were to look at photos in his phone a majority of the pictures would be dog related. He follows numerous dog accounts on his social media sites and will always send you a dog meme to brighten your day!
Greg says Christy is so full of life and energy. She always jokes about how she is the “worst New Mexican ever” as she doesn’t like green chile, spicy food, and has never watched Breaking Bad. But she is so passionate about ice hockey. Not just the professional NHL teams, which she does know, but the minor league teams as well. We have many fun date nights watching local teams play.

I hope you enjoy Christina and Greg’s Engagement Session as much as I do! Need more engagement inspiration? Check out this blog on what to wear for your engagement session.
Greg and Christy’s love for each other , their friendship, and their happiness really shows in all of the pictures ! Congratulations again ! I’m looking forward to your Wedding Day ! Love, Grandmom
Beautiful couple ! Beautiful scenery ! Beautiful photos ! So romantic ! Loved reading their stories . ❤️
Thank you so much! I loved getting to know them!